Every child, regardless of circumstances, deserves to live a happy, healthy, productive life. In theory, education is the great equalizer, leveling the playing field across socioeconomic strata. College graduates with a bachelor’s degree typically earn 66% more than those with only a high school diploma. In truth, nearly 90% of low-income, first generation college students fail to graduate.
At DTS, we take a unique, holistic approach to college access and success. We meet our students where they are and listen to where they want to go. We expose them to opportunities and help them acclimate to a college-going culture through robust and intentional programming. Several years ago, one of our ninth graders was struggling in her English class. Her DTS Advisor identified the weaknesses in reading comprehension that were at the root of her struggle, and then worked with her one-on-one until her reading fluency and comprehension were up to speed. Today, this student has graduated from her Master's program and is a full-time teacher.
Every child has the ability to achieve more. At DTS, our daily goal is to help all of our students realize their full potential.
- $65 Provides a student with his/her own copy of Book Club books.
- $100 Provides academic planners and writing journals for ten students.
- $250 Provides 8 hours of one-on-one math tutoring.
- $500 Sends a student to DTS Outdoors sleep away camp.
- $1000 Provides a laptop computer to a college freshman.
- $2500 Supports DTS college scholarships.
- $5000 Supports college access workshops for 100 Hamilton High School students.
- $7500 Provides a student and their family with 12 months of comprehensive services.
You may also write a check payable to Determined to Succeed and mail it to:
Determined to Succeed
2525 Ocean Park Blvd.
Suite 116
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Determined to Succeed is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. It will be sent automatically to you upon successful completion of your online donation. Donations made by check will be acknowledged by letter and sent to the address listed thereon.